Thursday, August 23, 2012

When lying extends to branding

I've just read that the "theme" of the Republican Convention in Tampa next week will be "You DID build that." This cheap, dishonest swipe at the President's controversial "you didn't build that" statement elevates misrepresentation to a meta-level. They may as well just brand it the "Democrats are Commies" Convention. It's clear to anybody with more than an ounce of gray matter between the ears that the President never intended to suggest that business owners did not build their own businesses. His intent was plain and simple - to point out, correctly, that no business is built in a vacuum, wholly independent of the collective infrastructure that allows it to thrive. Without roads, bridges, telephone lines, the Internet, an electrical grid, and so on, there would be no business to build, no way to get goods, and no way to get customers, outside of perhaps a small farm in Amish country.

So make no mistake about it - the GOP is doing what it does best, which is to traffic in deliberate obfuscation and dishonesty. Next week is going to be interesting.

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