Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why I'm So Angry

Those of you who have been reading this blog or my facebook posts over the past few months have surely noticed my increasing tone of anger over the notion that anybody I care about or respect would vote for Mitt Romney, or for that matter for ANY Republican currently seeking national office. I'd like to take this opportunity to explain exactly where that anger is coming from, and why it is only increasing as the specter of a Romney Presidency becomes a more palpable possibility.

The rationale that I often hear from self-described moderate Republicans and supposedly sane conservatives who support Mitt Romney is that they believe that President Obama has failed on the economy, and that Mitt Romney will do a better job of getting it moving in the right direction. I'll get back to that in a moment. But let's first look at what that says about your priorities, and what you value. Because when you vote for a President, you don't get to select just one part of his policy agenda to support. You are de facto supporting everything that person stands for. So let's look at what Mitt Romney stands for across a multitude of issues - to the extent that we even can, given the rapidly and perpetually shifting tone of his rhetoric, and the frequently conflicting positions he has taken on everything from abortion to gay rights to the war in Afghanistan.

Let's start with issues of women's health and reproductive choice. Once a decidedly pro-choice candidate, back when he clearly felt he needed to be in order to win statewide office in Massachusetts, one of the most liberal states in the country, over time Romney has shifted to a staunchly pro-life position. While I have always been pro-choice, and always will be, I can at least understand why somebody would take a pro-life position, within reason. But the current direction the GOP has taken in this regard is so extreme as to be genuinely frightening, and decidedly fanatical. The official platform of the GOP in 2012 states explicitly that all abortion in this country should be illegal, even in cases of rape, incest, or where the health and indeed the life of the mother is at stake. To call this radical is to understate the case. Romney has tried to soft-pedal this, and say that he believes in the rape, incest, and life of the mother exceptions. But let's look at the reality. A majority of Republicans in Congress now explicitly speak out against those exceptions, including Romney's running mate, Paul Ryan. In one now-infamous speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, Ryan decried the health-of-the-mother exception as being so broad you could drive a truck through it, thereby reasoning that it should not be allowed.

Think for a moment what this means. Imagine that you, or your daughter, or your sister, or any woman you love, has an ectopic pregnancy. Failure to terminate it in a timely fashion would put her health in serious jeopardy, and could likely result in her death. Given the chance, and a willing signatory in the White House, a Republican-controlled Congress could make that a crime. Imagine now that your 13 year old daughter were raped, resulting in pregnancy. Under current Republican thinking, the government would FORCE her to bear her rapist's child, against her will.

A lot of you are now no doubt saying that this will never happen, that Romney would never sign such a thing. What makes you think that? Certainly not any consistency on Romney's part, as the only thing he has shown consistently is his willingness to cave in to the demands of the most extreme parts of his Party - and those parts have gotten more and more extreme with each passing year. Consider also that Paul Ryan was a co-sponsor in Congress of the so-called "Personhood" bill, which would deem a fertilized egg as a person, thereby criminalizing not only abortion, but many forms of birth control, including the IUD. Consider also that just this last week, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Indiana, Richard Mourdoch, stated that in the case of a pregnancy that resulted from rape, that was god's will. He has since tried to clarify this, saying that he didn't think that the rape was god's will, only the pregnancy resulting therefrom. This is somehow supposed to make us feel better? And also please consider that earlier this year, Paul Ryan in a televised interview referred to rape as "another form of conception." One of the ways you judge people is by the company they keep. Mitt Romney's way of handling this sort of extremism in terms of women's reproductive rights is to endorse, support, and recruit them. He CHOSE Paul Ryan as his running mate, and Richard Mourdoch is the only candidate for U.S. Senate for whom he has actually made a commercial.

Let's now consider an issue that I take very seriously and very personally, which is marriage equality. This is an issue that many politicians have struggled with, and the movement toward acceptance of it has been too slow in coming. I personally wish that President Obama would have "evolved" more quickly than he did, but he DID, in fact, evolve, and though his position still allows for the possibility that the States can decide, he is definitely moving in the right direction. Mitt Romney's position, on the other hand, is completely radical. Not only does he not support marriage equality, but he has clearly stated that he does not even believe in civil partnerships. Further, he has endorsed the idea of a constitutional amendment banning all same-sex marriage.  

His antipathy for gay rights goes beyond his willingness to use the U.S. Constitution to formalize discrimination against a single class of people. As governor of Massachusetts, he refused to allow the Registry of Vital Records and Statistics to revise birth certificate forms for babies of same-sex couples. He further insisted on personally reviewing any applications from same-sex couples to cross out "mother" and replace it with "father or second parent," and required gay male parents to get a court order to obtain a birth certificate at all. His prejudice was so extreme as essentially to punish the children of gay parents by denying them the dignity of having their parentage recognized legally. This after declaring, in his campaign for the Senate against Ted Kennedy, that he would be more pro-gay rights than Kennedy himself. 

And what of foreign affairs issues? One of the key attacks Romney has been leveling at President Obama since his campaign for the Presidency began is that Obama has been "apologizing" for America, and that he went on an "apology tour" at the beginning of his Presidency. Every single fact-checking agency has dug into this issue thoroughly, and come back with the verdict that this is an outright lie. It's been consistently labeled a "pants on fire" claim. Yet Romney sticks by it, and refuses to recant. Another of his major attacks on Obama has been that Obama has "thrown Israel under the bus." Nothing could be further from the truth, from an absolutely factual, material sense. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has himself declared that the Obama Presidency has been the single most helpful and supportive one in history. The facts bear this up. The level of material support, intelligence sharing, and cooperation between the Obama administration and Israel is unprecedented. And yet Romney continues to tell this outrageous lie.

Perhaps even more damning, in his infamous "47 percent" speech at a fundraiser in Boca Raton, Romney discussed the situation in the Middle East, and concluded that since the Palestinians had no interest in peace, there was nothing he would be able to do about it as President, and said the best solution would be to kick the can down the road for some future administration. Every single President since the establishment of the State of Israel has been materially involved in working toward peace in the region. Romney would be the very first to have stated publicly that he is not even going to try. This would be disastrous for Israel and for the world. Those who will recall what happened in the early years of the George W. Bush Presidency will remember that, just before he took office, the treaty that Bill Clinton has negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians fell apart. Rather than showing leadership and working immediately to bring the two parties back to the table, he left the matter to fester, thus beginning one of the darkest and most intractable periods of violence and discord in the region in decades, and turning the clock back years on a potential solution. Romney seems headed for a similar course. This is not leadership, this is cowardice and ignorance.

It's not as if on other issues of international importance Romney is any stronger or clearer. From his bellicosity about Iran, which is terrifyingly reminiscent of that of George W. Bush toward Iraq, to his empty rhetoric on China (considering his record of opposing Obama's successful intervention with the importation of under priced tires, and his own investments in Chinese companies that employ what is essentially slave labor), to his basic lack of geographic knowledge (hint - Iran has its OWN coastline, and it is nowhere near Syria), Romney has shown a stunning lack of seriousness on foreign policy matters. After months of decrying the timeline for withdrawal from Afghanistan, suddenly in the last Presidential debate he endorsed it. In fact, he basically endorsed virtually all of Obama's foreign policy ideas, just saying he would somehow do them better, and with more "leadership." When he said that he would not have waited to get Russia and China on board for tough sanctions against Iran, he betrayed his ignorance of how sanctions actually work. Those sanctions would be meaningless if Iran could get from Russia and China what it was being denied by the U.S. and its allies in the rest of the world. This utterly fails the "Commander In Chief" test.

Probably the single most important, landmark achievement and legacy of the Obama Presidency is the Affordable Care Act, commonly and often derisively referred to as "Obamacare." The GOP would have you believe that this is a massive socialist endeavor, a government takeover of health care that turns your personal health decisions over to the government. The lies about it have been as rampant as they are fanatical, from Sarah Palin's insane assertion that it created "death panels," to the idea that it would bankrupt the government. In fact, "Obamacare" takes what was originally a CONSERVATIVE plan, developed by decidedly Republican-leaning thinkers, and operates on the notion of personal responsibility. It creates a mechanism whereby those who CAN afford to buy health care are given more choices, where there are fewer obstacles, where rates are kept in check, and where coverage cannot be denied based on pre-existing conditions or the exhaustion of "lifetime caps." For those who cannot afford such coverage, there are mechanisms to help them do so, ranging from tax relief, to subsidies, to, in the case of the truly needy, access to free coverage through Medicaid. The concept is simple - if everybody is covered, then those of us who are don't have to pay for those who aren't. The "mandate" is simply a way of making sure that enough people are in the pool of the insured that the math works out. If you choose to opt out, there are tax penalties to pay, with very scant methods for enforcement. The percentage of Americans that would actually be affected by this is under 2%.

As to the lie that Obamacare will increase the deficit, every analysis shows that the truth is exactly the opposite, and that when fully implemented, Obamacare will actually DECREASE the deficit.

Romney's solution for those without insurance is to "go to the emergency room." Not only is emergency care the single LEAST cost-effective way to get medical care, it's the least effective, and in no way is a substitute for ongoing health care. You go to the emergency when you're HAVING a heart attack, not to maintain your health so you don't have one to begin with. 

Which brings us to the Supreme Court. In the next four years, it's likely that whoever is President will get to appoint at least one, and as many as four Supreme Court justices. That will shape the direction of the Court and the country for generations to come. There is already a slim conservative majority on the Court. Consider what an even more extreme Court would be capable of doing. Count on virtually every guarantee of individual liberty, including but by no means limited to a woman's right to govern her own body, being overturned. Lawrence v. Texas, the landmark case that said people have a right to private sexual expression in their own homes, whether that expression be heterosexual or homosexual? Consider that gone. Roe v. Wade? History. It's a sickening prospect.

Rather than going on and on and trying to cover every single issue at stake in this election, let's now turn to the putative reason that many of you are probably considering voting for Romney and Ryan in spite of their appalling stances on all of these other issues - the economy. You will say that Obama has presided over one of the worst economies in memory, and that his policies have failed to fix it. While the former is true, the latter is decidedly not.

The catastrophic collapse of the economy in 2008 was the most severe economic event since 1929. To think that it could be completely corrected in just four years is beyond wishful thinking - it's a nonsensical fantasy. The Great Depression took a decade and a half, and the largest war in history to overcome. Why should we think that the Great Recession of 2008 could be completely erased in just four years?  Every recession since 1929 pales in comparison to what happened to the economy in 2008. The fact of the matter is, it was Republican economic policies that CREATED the recession in the first place. I've covered this territory in prior blog posts, so I won't go into full detail here, but concisely put, the combination of unfunded wars, expansive tax cuts (the first time, by the way, that any nation IN HISTORY cut taxes in a time of war), a large, expensive, inefficient, and unfunded new entitlement, and reckless deregulation of the financial industry, are what created the perfect storm of stupidity that resulted in the crashing of the economy.

To address the notion that Obama's economic policies have failed, one first has to address the reality that those policies have never been fully allowed to be put into place! The Republican-controlled House of Representatives has blocked every single constructive thing that Obama has tried to do. Many of you will no doubt argue that for the first two years of his Presidency, Obama had a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress behind him. While this is true, that does not take into account the absolutely unprecedented use of Republicans in the Senate of the filibuster. Many of Obama's signature plans were stymied and never even brought to a vote - votes that he would have won if they were a matter of a simple majority, but which could never occur because he couldn't muster a single vote from a Republican on even allowing the vote to take place.

Even without Republican support, what Obama has managed to do in just four years is actually remarkable. Moody's, Bloomberg, the Congressional Budget Office, and many other independent, non-partisan analysts, have stated conclusively that Obama's stimulus package, while not large enough to achieve what a larger one could have, unquestionably saved millions of jobs, and prevented the economy from plunging from a recession into a true Depression that would have dwarfed the one of 1929.  On top of that, his rescue plan for General Motors and Chrysler not only saved those companies and by extension the entire American auto industry, but brought them to new levels of success and put them on track to greater and greater expansion. Just this past week, Chrysler announced that it was now looking to expand its operations into China, so that an American car company could be selling cars into the largest market in the world. Romney, of course, took that nugget of information and twisted it on the campaign trail into a colossal lie, suggesting that Chrysler's move was to SHIFT all of its operations to China, shutting down its U.S. facilities entirely, prompting Chrysler to issue a statement suggesting that Romney read the news more carefully in order to avoid "unnecessary fantasies."  It was their polite way of calling him a fucking liar.

When Obama took office, the U.S. economy was shedding approximately 800,000 jobs a month. It continued to do so for a number of months, before any of Obama's policies could be enacted. Since then, we have added over 5 million new jobs, with positive job creation for some 32 consecutive months. Somehow Romney and the GOP have cast this as "making things worse." I find this a very interesting definition of "worse."

And what of Romney's economic plans? He's fond of saying that Obama has no plan and no agenda for his second term, which anybody with access to the Internet or a newspaper can easily determine is simply not true. Obama his published an extensive plan which, remarkably, actually makes simple mathematical sense. Romney's plans, however, have been deliberately lacking in specifics. Every independent analyst has said categorically that his basic premises are mathematically impossible. It's hard even to know that, as he has stated one thing one day, and another thing the next. One day he says he wants to enact a five trillion dollar tax cut, plus an additional two trillion dollar increase in defense spending, and the next day he says he never said that, in spite of the fact that he's on record as having done so. The bottom line is that, in order to reduce the tax rate across the board by 20%, as he says he intends to do, there is no possible way to make up for the difference, even if he were to eliminate every single deduction taken by every single taxpayer. His answer to this problem is to say simply "of course it adds up," and suggest that once elected, he and Congress will "work it out." How can ANYBODY be so gullible and reality-denying as to believe such a load of baloney?

If you want to look at Romney's record of accomplishments on the economy, you need look no further than his record as Governor of Massachusetts. Under his watch, that state sank to 47th in the nation in job creation. Perhaps that is why he left office with an approval rating of 34%, so low that he decided not even to run for re-election, facing near certain defeat. His vaunted expertise in the private sector was never about job creation. It was about wealth creation, often at the EXPENSE of jobs. It was also not about the elimination of debt, but rather about the accumulation of debt, and then the shifting of that burden of debt onto others, so that he and his colleagues could walk away with colossal profits.

So what this all boils down to is that some of you have decided to support Mitt Romney and the GOP, based on the entirely untrue assumption that he will be better for the economy. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that this is true, and quite a lot of evidence to suggest exactly the opposite. President Obama's financial course for the country has had enormous benefits already, and given four more years on the same course, there's every likelihood that those benefits would not only continue but increase.  What makes me so angry, then, is for anybody to claim to support Romney on this basis, knowing that all of his regressive, hypocritical, mean-spirited, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic policies will come along in the bargain. 

You are probably under the misconception that under Romney you will save money in taxes, and under Obama you will pay more. Here's the truth. Not opinion, but the facts. If you make over $250,000 per year, then yes - you will probably pay more in taxes under Obama, only on the amount you make in excess of $250,000. For example, if you make $300,000, you will pay an additional 4% on that last $50,000 - approximately $2.000.  You're willing to trade MY civil rights, the rights of those women in your lives to control their own bodies, and the health and well being of seniors, the disabled, children, the poor, all under the false premise that this lying, disingenuous corporate raider, in order to save $2,000. That feels like a slap in the face not only to me personally, but to everything that I hold dear about this country and about basic human morality and decency.  I can only hope that Governor Romney is defeated in spite of your misguided support of him.  

If, however, you make less than $250,000, you will not pay a cent more under Obama's plan, but will likely pay as much as $2,000 more under Romney's plan, as he erodes deductions that you count on. If that's the case, you have just shot yourself in the foot, under the mistaken belief that you would save money at the expense of my civil rights, the rights of women as described above, and so on. That feels like a slap in the face and just plain stupid to boot. Any way you look at it - if you're fortunate enough to be doing extremely well, if you're plugging along comfortably somewhere in the middle, or if you're struggling just to get by, there is simply no justification for voting for Mitt Romney, unless you actually believe the hateful, mean-spirited things he believes, in which case I have to question what sort of character you have to begin with.


  1. I just saw your comments on one of my wife's facebook friends' posts about Libya. Unfortunately you are incorrect in your assertions there - check out the Oct 29 Newsweek - hardly a conservative news source. We will see in the upcoming weeks as more truth comes out but it looks like you may be incorrect. I started to read your blog post here and you have completely misstated the republican platform - I actually took time to read it. It doesn't say what you said it says. It takes a stance against abortion but is silent on exceptions. It doesn't doesn't talk about exceptions but it doesn't state "explicitly that all abortion in this country should be illegal, even in cases of rape, incest, or where the health and indeed the life of the mother is at stake". After that I realized that I wouldn't get any kind of reasoned argument based in fact here. Why is it that so many liberals when confronted with a conservative viewpoint scream rascist, fanatical etc etc instead of actually showing why the liberal point of view is correct? Obama certainly has some questions to answer regarding Libya.

  2. Vic-

    Andy did misstate the official GOP platform's position on abortion exceptions. It does indeed remain silent on the subject. That tells you that you can't have a substantive discussion about any of his other points? Are they all not factual? I think they are. But since you've chosen that one misstatement as the focus of your blanket judgment of the post, let's discuss that. Do you take the GOP platform's silence on abortion exceptions to indicate that the official GOP platform allows for such exceptions? I don't. The GOP also remains silent when crackpots like Akin and Mourdock express their own fucked up opinions on pregnancy resulting from rape, and I find that silence much more indicative that while the official GOP platform doesn't mention rape, incest, or the life of the mother in their anti-abortion position, the GOP agrees with Akin and Mourdock. No exceptions. Why wouldn't I? Their silence implies tacit agreement. When Romney, their chosen candidate for president, films an ad with Mourdock, and then refuses to pull the ad after Mourdock announces that pregnancies that are the result of rape are the will of God, I assume that Mitt Romney agrees with Mourdock. Of course I heard him say that he disagrees with Mr. Crackpot, but the ads continue to run in Indiana. Tacit approval. You think Obama has some explaining to do about how Benghazi was handled? You're upset that 4 Americans lost their lives? Me too. Why then aren't you concerned with, as Andy points out perfectly, Mitt Romney's approach to Iran? It's essentially the same approach that GW Bush took towards Iraq. I assure you Vic, that if President Romney takes us to war with Iran, far more than 4 Americans will die. Doesn't that bother you too? It bothers me. And frankly I find your own silence vis a vis every other point in Andy's post here rather telling. You resort to the lazy-minded nonsense about liberals vs conservatives, as if that's somehow dispositive. It isn't. It's lazy binary thinking. Can you fathom the possibility that there are some Romney supporters who are pro-choice? That some Obama supporters oppose ACA? It's not a liberal vs conservative country Vic. It's not left vs right. Rush Limbaugh wants you to think that, and he makes millions and millions of dollars convincing you that the US is divided neatly into two groups. Where do you draw your imaginary dividing line between liberal and conservative Vic? I'm guessing that anyone who expresses a position that doesn't line up with yours gets pigeonholed as a liberal. In doing that, you show an inability to have a reasoned argument yourself, and you show an unwillingness or perhaps an inability to support your own position with facts.

  3. Thank you, Michael, for your very apt comment.

  4. Thank you for a very fine post Andy.
